My First Big Wedding Shoot

I always shied away from wedding assignments until my friends Aimee and Pete asked me to take their wedding pictures. I was sweating and was not sure how to politely say NO to them. The reason being, I was nervous and not confident at all.

I still remember how every one around me constantly encouraged me to take up this assignment. Aimee was more confident than me, she said we have full faith in you and how they are confident that I will do amazing job. Nervously I said “ok” and confirmed them that I would be there to cover their special day.

The wedding was in the beautiful Ocean Place Resort and Spa, Long Branch, NJ. I was there a night before so that I don’t have to drive early morning and get tensed. I started the shoot with bride getting ready and followed it with groom’s side. Here are the pictures from the shoot.

“A wedding dressing is both an intimate and personal for a women – it must reflect personality and style of the bride”

“A wedding dressing is both an intimate and personal for a women – it must reflect personality and style of the bride”

“Happy is the bride, that the sun shines on.”


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