Event Pricing Plans

Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments.

Rose Kennedy


Listing your personal milestones is like storing a pocketful of sunshine for a rainy day. Sometimes our best is simply not enough.... We have to do what is required.

Winston Churchill

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio.


Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat


I Do Event Photography

I hope that you’ve landed on this page because you’ve taken a look at my work and would like me to capture those special moments of your special event.

I will make sure that you have the best experience and enjoy the event without worrying about the pictures. I will be there for you and your loved ones to capture those special moments of fun, frolic and laughter.

my pricing

Choose Your Plan

$ 750
  • 4 Hour Session
  • 1 Photographer
  • Private Online Gallery
$ 999
  • 4 Hour Session
  • 1 Photographer
  • 2-3 Minutes Highlight Video
  • Private Online Gallery
$ 1499
  • 4 Hour Session
  • 1 Photographer
  • 1 Videographer
  • 2-3 Minutes Highlight Video
  • 45 Minutes to 1 Hour Final Video
  • Private Online Gallery
$ 2499
  • 4 Hour Session
  • 2 Photographer
  • 1 Videographer
  • 2-3 Minute Highlight Video
  • 1-2 Hour Final Video
  • Private Online Gallery
  • Any additional time will be charged $150/hr
  • 10x10 Photo Coffee Book can be added to any plan (additional charges will be applied)
  • Check photo print price here to order your photo print credit
  • RAW files are strictly NOT provided, only delivers processed/edited files for client’s ease of use

my portfolio

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