Maternity Pricing Plans

A mother is always the beginning. She is how things begin.


To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. Soul and spirit are stretched — along with body — making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginning ~Anne Christian Buchanan

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio.


Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat


I Do Maternity Portraits

I hope that you’ve landed on this page because you’ve taken a look at my work and would like me to capture those special moments of you, your beautifully evolving body, with your better half.

I can capture beautiful natural photos of you, and your baby bump. I can include both slightly more classic ‘portraits’, or modern lifestyle photos, depending on your taste.

my pricing

Choose Your Plan

$ 375
  • 1 Hour Session
  • Up to 8 Handcrafted Digital Images Up to 8 fully enhanced images (high resolution)
  • $50 towards Newborn session if booked together $50 towards Newborn session if booked together
  • One outfit change
  • Exclusive Online Gallery
  • $50 professional print credit
  • .
$ 599
  • 2 Hour Session
  • Up to 15 Handcrafted Digital Images Up to 15 fully enhanced images (high resolution)
  • $75 towards Newborn session if booked together $75 towards Newborn session if booked together
  • 2 outfit change
  • Exclusive Online Gallery
  • $150 Photo Print Credit This ONLY includes photo print, the canvas print is an additional cost.
  • .
$ 1250
  • 3 Hour Session
  • Up to 25 Handcrafted Digital Images Up to 25 fully enhanced images (high resolution)
  • $150 towards Newborn session if booked together $100 towards Newborn session if booked together
  • Unlimited outfit change
  • Exclusive Online Gallery
  • $250 Photo Print Credit This ONLY includes photo print, the canvas print is an additional cost.
  • 10x10 Photo Coffee Book 10x10 Photo Coffee Book with 16 pages
  • Any additional time will be charged $150/hr
  • 10x10 Photo Coffee Book can be added to any plan (additional charges will be applied)
  • Check photo print price here to order your photo print credit
    Check photo print price here to order your photo print credit
  • RAW files are strictly NOT provided, only delivers processed/edited files for client’s ease of use

Maternity Session Information

When should I reserve my session?

How many weeks should I be for the session?

Do you provide hair and makeup?

Your session should be booked early in your second trimester to ensure that I get you on the schedule during the best time for photographing you and your beautiful bump. 

This varies based upon how you’re feeling, how you’re carrying, how comfortable you’re and when you’d like the images by. I always try to recommend, it’s best to schedule between 28-34 weeks to ensure that you have that beautiful bump and you are not feeling tired and exhausted. 

Hair and makeup services are not included in the packages; however, I work with several talented artists in the area that I will happily refer you to. 

my portfolio

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